Tetons or Old Faithful

Driving near “The Church of the Transfiguration” near Jackson, I find myself reflecting on my faith. In some ways I wonder if my faith resembles the Tetons. Sometimes it’s easy to see it (them), but at other times it’s shrouded in cloud. When the sun is out you can really see the mountaintops, but in the stormy weather it can be impossible.

However, I think my faith is like a geyser in Yellowstone. Just like “Old Faithful”, under pressure it erupts and can be seen easily, but when the pressure declines, it becomes hidden. My faith, just like the geyser remains alive, it’s just that it diminishes before once again pressure forces it into the public.

It’s worrying!

Thankfully God is ever present and unchanging.

Wouldn’t it be great to always be on. I wonder how realistic this is and as I write this, I question what “on” actually is? Is it some Evangelical fervor, or maybe it’s more about relationship? So many different models around, so I guess the only safe options to model on is that of God made Flesh.

Jesus has a personal relationship with the Father. He spoke regularly, treated Him as if he was an ever present friend. The difference between physical and spiritual presence did not appear a delineation for Jesus.

It reminds me of a story told by Brennan Manning about a man who doesn’t know how to talk to God. His priest tells him to go home and imagine God sitting across from him in a chair. In this practical manner the man finds God is there next to him. perhaps this is today’s insight.

I need to sit. I need to be still long enough to have a conversation. I need to sit with my God, speak a little, but listen with ears and heart.

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